It is the agency’s goal to increase ridership and routes. The transit service has increased the general public ridership and will continue to target the general public to utilize the service. The agency will be promoting the transit service through surveys and reaching the residents with advertising using our local utility company. Brochures and promotional items will be widely spread throughout the county and the transit vehicles will be more widely visible to our residents in Kidder County.
Attention will be given to the transit schedule and route to determine if they are still functional or if changes need to be made as our needs change in the county. The agency will assess the need for vehicles and where most of the need in the county is for location of vehicles. The agency will be updating vehicle/vehicles in the next year and office computers in the next 3-5 years so they are adaptable.
The transit service area is increasing with businesses and changes in our school system. Our economy will be a huge factor in accessing the needs for transit services. According to the ND 2010 Population Projections: 2005 to 2020, Kidder County has a population of 2435. Population over 60 averages 656. The general public averages 1779. The average age is 44.5 years and person per square mile is 2.0. As a rural transit area, the transit service travels many miles in between towns and cities.
The agency feels that there is a need for transit services in Kidder County and ways to keep the service in operation.